Pet Sitting and Dog Walking
Since KCC first began we have specialized in pet care services! Pet sitting can include such things as dog walks, yard pick up and play time for our canine friends as well as litterbox cleaning, stick chase time, and cuddle time for our feline friends! With a background in veterinary services we also specialize in medication services for both cats and dogs which can include oral meds as well as injectables such as insulin and B12 as well as Sub Q fluids. Our team also has experience in the not so common species such as snakes, lizards, rabbits, guinea pigs, fish, and even livestock species like goats and horses. If you have a request for an animal that is not the usual dog/cat please just shoot us an email or a text (even better!) and we can send you a quote.
**Due to hiring issues, KCC is currently only able to accept kitty pet sitting. We do not have the availability to pet sit for dogs at this time unless they are boarded at Kelsey's home. **